Sunday, October 3, 2021

Alternate Endings to SWSOSWG

 As we discussed last week, Kay and Cyril's plans might have gone off as they envisioned, but maybe things didn't work out perfectly.  The several possible futures presented in the story offer utopia and dystopia alternatives, but certainly not a full range of possibilities.

I would like to suggest that we all come with a short story or 2 that extends the range of possible unanticipated futures that Kay and Cyril might have found at the age of 80, or sooner, that could have affected their decision to carry through with their Suicide Pact.  How else might things have happened on Kay's 80th?  What if Kay did not notify her daughter of their plans?  What if they both stage a fake suicide, but in fact they survive and run off with new identities.  What if Cyril gets cancer earlier than they planned, and suffers terribly for it?  Or any other possible scenario you might think of.  

Once we have something to share, drop a copy into the comments for everyone to see, or send it to me (if you have written something) and I can share it with the Usual Participants ahead of the meeting date.

Thanks for your thoughtful participation.

Here is a story ending submitted by Judy.  Another called Harmony, also by Judy.

Here is an overview, and an alternate ending by Des.

And a new ending by Vickie.

Note:  I have disabled all links in this blog as of 10/11/21, for safety and security reasons.  Please contact me directly in the comments below if you want to have access.


  1. Two story versions are in my mind but only one has yet to hit the keyboard. Here it is. (I wish there'd been a way to insert a link so this doesn't seem so lengthy.) --- Well, ARGH! This system only accepts 4,096 max. characters per post. Let me know and I will send it to you via e-mail.

  2. Sorry about this. We are learning about the limitations of a free blog system, I think.

    Let me explore my options. I will be back to you shortly.

  3. Des - I just emailed my contribution.

  4. The problem with kids is that they are takers and parents are givers. Eventually, parents want to stop giving and kids *should* stop taking, but it's hard to break the cycle. Maturation also happens gradually and never quite enough in the moment. Parents have the delight of age, wisdom, and experience, and I imagine it gets increasingly exasperating to put up with your comparatively immature children (even after adulthood) because no matter what you or they do, they'll never catch up to your level. Stages of development can only happen linearly and without skipped steps. The best we can do is raise them well enough to enjoy their company and respect their abilities at that time, remembering where we were at their stage. Hopefully we gain satisfaction knowing that they'll travel their own journey to enlightenment in their own time, even if we're not there to witness it.

  5. Thanks also for the book recommendation! I'll add it to my list.
