Monday, December 9, 2024

Dec 13: Holiday Memories

 At this time of year we are inundated with holiday stories on the flat screen that depict ideal families living ideal lives, with what ends up being wonderful outcomes after some minor sort of issue has to be dealt with.  It brings a tear to the eye when things settle and the people who should be together finally are able to.

It was suggested by a BQ regular that this year we might like to share our own holiday stories, recalling happy times, treasured traditions, family trips, personal preferences, and overall, our relationship with all that the holiday season brings to us.   As UU's we might have complicated feelings about a holiday based on a Christian model.  Many Pagan and Humanist traditions borrow from faith traditions rooted less in a biblical base and rely more on Earth or nature-centered perspectives.  

Where do you land on some of these topics?

 How do you feel about bringing a green tree into the house, decorating it in lights and ornaments?  Does it have to be a live tree cut for the purpose?  Is an artificial tree OK?  Is there a right way to do lights and ornaments, or will any old way suffice?  

What is the best holiday dinner?  Is it turkey, like the Thanksgiving dinner, or does another main dish dominate?  Does it even matter?  I understand some people have Chinese take-out on Christmas Day.  How do you feel about that?

I have strong memories anticipating opening presents in the morning after Santa comes.  In another tradition presents are opened the previous evening.  Is there a right way to do this?  And what about buying something for yourself any time in the 3 months that precede the holiday, thereby depriving someone the pleasure of giving this object/item/article of clothing etc. you clearly want and desire to you as a gift?  Is that OK?  Shouldn't you just wait for the holiday and let someone make you happy?

There is a strong movement these days away from giving physical gifts, but rather to give experiences or non-material things that can be treasured but won't clutter up a shelf or closet.  Is taking someone fishing a legitimate gift?  How about a certificate to a spa for a massage?  A train ticket to Portland?  How do you feel if, at this time next year, the experience you gave was not realized by the person who received the gift?  I have a policy that once a gift is given, the giver has to release any ownership of it.  The recipient is 100% responsible for how the gift is used.  Or not used.  How does that feel to you?

This will be our only meeting in December.  I hope it turns into a festive and happy time for everyone.  Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 4, 2024

Nov 8: Life, love and understanding

 This past Sunday Joseph Bednarik spoke to our Fellowship again.  He is a frequent speaker, and he presents stories and homilies that have great depth and feeling.  He shares from his personal past, experiences he found insightful, talks about people who inspired him and what form that inspiration took at the time, and since.  

He brought copies of a book he has just published consisting of short stories and poetry that he has presented, though not necessarily to our congregation, but to others, and whose form is just like the ones presented to us.  I bought one of the books and had him sign it (he has an excellent way to sign a book, I can tell you!).  Reading it now, and soaking in the written word rather than just hearing a presentation that seems to fly past so quickly, it is possible to dwell on specific passages and ideas.  I have selected one of these for our discussion on Friday night.  The quote is short, but the message is powerful and comes from a powerful writer, Marge Piercy.  I recommend you look her up, if you don't know her style and body of work (I didn't).  In any case, the message comes very close to a Socratic Question, in my way of thinking, so I hope you will join us.

Note:  The meeting on Nov. 8 will be the only BQ for the month of November, with Thanksgiving landing as it does.  December will also only have a single meeting.  Holidays are always a hard time to schedule so many things into our lives.

<Des>  Can you develop a discussion agenda to help understand this quote? "Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding, the third" by Marge Piercy. Is this sequence based on human development, or perhaps intellectual development? Is each preceding gift necessary to move to the next one? <>

<Gemini>  Introduction

  • Icebreaker: Share a personal experience where you felt deeply loved or understood.
  • Quote Presentation: Read the quote aloud and ask participants to share their initial thoughts and feelings.

Understanding the Quote

  • Breaking Down the Gifts:
    • Life: Discuss the intrinsic value of life and the opportunities it presents.
    • Love: Explore different forms of love (romantic, familial, platonic) and their impact on human experience.
    • Understanding: Delve into the concept of empathy, compassion, and intellectual comprehension.
  • The Sequence of Gifts:
    • Is it linear? Can one truly experience love without life, or understanding without love?
    • Cultural and Historical Context: How might different cultures or historical periods interpret this sequence?
    • Individual Experiences: Share personal stories that challenge or support the sequence.

Deeper Analysis

  • The Interconnectedness of the Gifts:
    • How do these gifts influence each other?
    • Can a lack of one gift hinder the experience of another?
    • Can one gift be a catalyst for the others?
  • The Role of Understanding in Love:
    • Does understanding deepen love or vice versa?
    • Can misunderstandings erode love?
  • The Role of Love in Understanding:
    • Can love inspire empathy and compassion?
    • How does love influence our perception of others?

Application and Reflection

  • Personal Reflection:
    • How have these gifts shaped your life?
    • What steps can you take to cultivate deeper understanding in your relationships?
  • Societal Implications:
    • How can we promote understanding and love on a larger scale?
    • What role does understanding play in social justice and equality?


  • Summarize key points from the discussion.
  • Encourage continued reflection on the quote and its implications.
  • Share a final thought or quote to inspire further contemplation.

By engaging in a thoughtful and open discussion, participants can gain a deeper understanding of Marge Piercy's quote and its relevance to their own lives.<>

Monday, October 21, 2024

Oct 25: Civic Responsibility and the Democratic Process

 What is on everyone's mind these days?  The election, of course.  This is an act of participation in an important part of our civic lives, that has the potential to impact each of us in many ways.  Socrates hated democracy exactly because it relies on the public to make important decisions that they are not in a position to properly evaluate, and the electorate is subject to being influenced by orators and pundits.  In a world filled with opinion, false facts, and narratives intended to influence an outcome for very selfish ends, the society we live in seems to be exactly the one Socrates feared would be asked to provide wise leadership in times of need. 

So, I called on my friendly AI helper, and asked Gemini to provide some insight.

<Des>  I'm looking for a philosophical topic and discussion outline for Friday's discussion group. This one should be about civic responsibility and the democratic process, without specifically mentioning the election coming up. Do you have something like that?<>

Civic Responsibility and the Democratic Process 

Discussion Outline by Gemini


  • Begin by defining "civic responsibility" and exploring its historical context.
  • Discuss the role of citizens in a democratic society and the importance of active participation.

The Nature of Civic Responsibility

  • Moral obligation: Explore the ethical imperative of citizens to contribute to the common good.
  • Social contract: Discuss the concept of a social contract between citizens and their government.
  • Individual rights and responsibilities: Balance individual liberties with the responsibilities of citizenship.

The Democratic Process and Civic Engagement

  • Voting and elections: Discuss the significance of voting and the importance of informed decision-making.
  • Political participation: Explore other forms of political engagement, such as volunteering, protesting, and lobbying.
  • Civic education: Discuss the role of education in fostering civic awareness and engagement.

Challenges to Civic Responsibility and Democratic Participation

  • Apathy and disengagement: Explore the reasons for voter apathy and the impact on democratic health.
  • Inequality and access: Discuss how socioeconomic disparities can hinder civic participation.
  • Misinformation and propaganda: Examine the role of false information in undermining democratic processes.

Promoting Civic Responsibility and Democratic Participation

  • Civic education: Discuss the importance of incorporating civic education into schools and communities.
  • Community engagement: Explore ways to foster a sense of belonging and civic pride.
  • Empowering marginalized voices: Discuss strategies for ensuring that all citizens have a voice in the democratic process.


  • Summarize the key points discussed and encourage participants to reflect on their own civic responsibilities.
  • Discuss potential avenues for further exploration or action.

Possible Discussion Questions:

  • What do you believe are the most important civic responsibilities in a democratic society?
  • How can we encourage greater civic engagement among young people?
  • What are the potential consequences of declining voter turnout?
  • How can we combat the spread of misinformation and propaganda in the democratic process?
  • What role should citizens play in holding their elected officials accountable?

This outline provides a framework for a thoughtful and engaging discussion on civic responsibility and the democratic process. Feel free to adapt it to suit the specific interests and needs of your discussion group.<>

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Oct 11: What makes a good life?

 As I traveled through the Boston airport on Monday there were advertisements for a new AI called  I accessed it and have been experimenting with it a bit, comparing the responses I get from Claude to the ones from Gemini, the Google AI open language model I have been using for several months now.  Below I have copied the response to my standard request for a discussion topic for adult learners in an open discussion group.  I have retained the Facilitator Notes for your consideration, especially noting that that the best possible comment may be a question rather than a statement.  Get people thinking by asking good questions, and ultimately you may lead to a breakthrough in your own way of considering the topic.

We've tackled this topic in many forms over the years.  The Socratic Question behind this topic might be, "What is satisfaction in your life?" or something like it.  We've talked about the idea of pleasure as a life goal, and I think most people disregard that as a worthy goal for a variety of reasons.  If we take a step back and ask, what are the elements of everyday living that we aspire to promote and/or seek out?  If we can name them, and if we can judge them against some sort of quality scale such as are they ethical, are they honorable, and are they universal, might we be able to put together an outline of living a "good life" where we, and the people around us, can share in the benefits of this sort of living?

What Makes a "Good Life" in Today's World?

A Socratic Exploration for Adult Discussion Groups

Session Overview

  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Group Size: 6-12 participants
  • Setting: Comfortable, informal setting where all participants can see each other

Facilitator Notes

Remember: Your role is not to provide answers but to guide discussion through questioning. Allow silence after questions - it gives people time to think.

Opening (10 minutes)

  • Welcome participants
  • Ground rules:
    • There are no "right" answers
    • Listen actively to others
    • Build on others' thoughts
    • Challenge ideas, not people
    • Personal examples are welcome

Initial Question (15 minutes)

Begin with: "When you hear someone say they're 'living their best life,' what does that mean to you?"

Follow-up questions:

  • "Can someone give an example of when they felt they were living their best life?"
  • "What made that moment special?"
  • "Did anyone have a different type of experience?"

Deeper Exploration (45 minutes)

Theme 1: Success vs. Happiness

  • "Is being successful the same as being happy?"
  • "Can someone be successful but unhappy? Happy but not successful?"
  • "Who decides what success means?"

Theme 2: Modern Challenges

  • "How has social media changed our view of a 'good life'?"
  • "Are we more or less satisfied than previous generations? Why?"
  • "What pressures do we face today that our grandparents didn't?"

Theme 3: Personal Values

  • "If you could guarantee one thing in your life, what would it be?"
  • "What do you value more: peace of mind or achievement?"
  • "Has what you consider a 'good life' changed as you've gotten older?"

Synthesis (15 minutes)

  • "What have we learned from each other today?"
  • "Has anyone's view of what makes a 'good life' shifted during our discussion?"
  • "What questions are you still wrestling with?"

Closing (5 minutes)

  • Summarize key insights
  • Thank participants
  • Optional: Suggest a personal reflection exercise for the week

Possible Follow-up Topics for Future Sessions

  • The role of community in a good life
  • Balance between personal and professional life
  • The impact of technology on human happiness
  • Material wealth vs. personal fulfillment
  • The relationship between purpose and happiness

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Sept 20: Our Relationship to Money

 In 2001 a member of our Fellowship proposed a BQ Topic based on people's relationship to money both in the abstract, and as a motivating force in our lives.  The member's name was Bobbye Miller.  She was involved in a book discussion group at that time that selected "Your Money or Your Life" by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin.  (I see that the current edition was authored by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez published in 2018, but I suspect the edition Bobbye read was similar.)  I have a printed email dated Aug 13, 2001 by Bobbye detailing her proposed discussion talking points that were gleaned from the text.  

She asks questions that she thought would produce a lively discussion, including perspectives like, 

  • How did your family deal with money as you grew up?  Did your family consider itself to be well off, or not?  Did your perception of the financial status of your family cause problems at school, for example in making friends?
  • Was it considered OK to talk about money in your family, or was it forbidden and secret?  She points out that feelings around money exist at an emotional level for many people, tying people together or driving them apart.
  • Are there events in the past that "strongly" affect the way you relate to money?  Bobbye shared that her group, formed of people who were mostly retired at the turn of the century, often shared that they were affected by the Great Depression of the 1930's which occurred when they were young.  Still the memories of that time, and the stories they grew up hearing, made a big impact on how they felt about money.
  • Bobbye summarizes the book when she points our several emotional viewpoints: Money as Security:  Money as Power:  Money as Social Acceptance: and Money as Evil.
This topic has the feeling of the Elephant In The Room we all learn to deal with in our own way.  We all need to find a way to deal with the opportunities and pressures caused by the presence or lack of money, in one way or another.  My intent is to deal with this topic without talking about our personal financial situations, but rather to consider it through shared stories and impressions we've gained growing up, and with a certain step back for an abstract perspective.

Here is Gemini's outline for our discussion.  (What would Bobbye think about this?)

Outline for a Discussion on People's Feelings About Money


  • Icebreaker: Share a personal anecdote or a relevant quote about money.
  • Set the tone: Explain the purpose of the discussion and its importance.

Perspectives on Wealth and Poverty

  • Defining wealth: What does "wealth" mean to different people?
  • Defining poverty: What does "poverty" mean to different people?
  • Cultural influences: How do cultural backgrounds and societal norms shape these perspectives?
  • Media influence: How do movies, TV shows, and social media portray wealth and poverty?

Family Influences on Money

  • Family values: How do family values and beliefs about money shape personal attitudes?
  • Role models: Who are the primary financial role models in people's lives?
  • Intergenerational wealth: How does family history of wealth or poverty influence current attitudes?
  • Financial literacy: Did families provide financial education or guidance?

The Motivation to Work for Money

  • Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation: What motivates people to work: personal fulfillment or financial gain?
  • Work-life balance: How important is money in achieving a satisfying work-life balance?
  • Financial security: How does the desire for financial security influence career choices and work ethic?
  • Materialism: Is the pursuit of wealth driven by materialism or other factors?

Money and Happiness

  • Correlation vs. causation: Does having more money lead to greater happiness?
  • Life satisfaction: How does financial status contribute to overall life satisfaction?
  • Hedonic treadmill: Does the impact of wealth on happiness diminish over time?
  • Meaningful work: How do factors like purpose and fulfillment contribute to happiness?

Financial Challenges and Opportunities

  • Debt and financial stress: Discuss common financial challenges people face.
  • Financial planning: Explore strategies for managing money effectively.
  • Investing and wealth creation: Discuss opportunities for building wealth.
  • Giving back: Explore the role of philanthropy and charitable giving.


  • Summarize key points: Recap the main themes and insights from the discussion.
  • Encourage further reflection: Invite participants to continue exploring their own relationship with money.

Additional Considerations:

  • Facilitate open and honest discussions: Create a safe and supportive environment for sharing perspectives.
  • Use relevant examples and case studies: Illustrate points with real-world examples.
  • Encourage group participation: Ensure everyone has an opportunity to contribute.
  • Consider diverse viewpoints: Acknowledge and respect different perspectives.

By following this outline and engaging participants in thoughtful conversation, you can foster a deeper understanding of people's feelings about money and its impact on their lives.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Sept 6: Humanist Manifesto

*** UPDATE ***

I have been going through old documents in my home files that pertain to BQ topics we used 20+ years ago.  In the beauty of the bounty that philosophy essentially is, these topics are as pertinent and  interesting today as they were then.  So, in the spirit of the ideal that no idea ever dies or goes away I am resurrecting a topic from 2001 and adding some more current references and links to help my current participants enjoy the environment we created then, transported to today.

Humanist Manifesto

In an effort to provide some context and a quick summary, here is a link to the Wiki page that covers Humanist Manifestos I, II, and III, and links to others that are based on the same concepts.  HMI dates from 1933 and outlines an optimistic worldview based on human cooperation and lives of service to others.  HMII dates from 1973, and recasts the wording and key points in a way that takes into consideration of the world's horrors of the 1940's and before while not abandoning the optimism of the first version.  HMIII was written by a committee in 2003 and originally signed by 22 Nobel laureates, but later the number of names of signatories swelled into the thousands.

When you read through the Wiki summary of the different versions certain elements included in them are based on philosophical points of view we have covered in the past.  Certainly atheism, but existentialism and self-determination are strongly stated.  The number of points that each of the manifestos use seems declines with each iteration, going from 34 to 17 to 6, but broadening in scope and reach of each at the same time.  Please look these over and consider where your personal philosophy is in alignment or opposition to each.

The link for the HMIII document will take you to the American Humanist Association, an organization that embraces all three of these versions, and has links to others as well.  They provide a wealth of information if this is a topic that resonates with you, as it does for me.

Recall that we are back to meeting at the Smith's home at 6:30 for a potluck dinner followed by the discussion at 8:00.  I hope to see you there!

Original Blog:

So, how has your summer been going?  Anything new going on in your lives?  I've had a few changes in my life, mostly medical in nature making me better able to deal with the life I plan to live these next few decades, so I am paying it forward.  Invest in health issues today to be able to reap the benefits later.  It seems a good strategy.

As September nears I have started looking at my calendar, thinking about BQ meetings again.  It looks like Sept 6 and 20 are open, so let's put those dates on the calendar.  Judy and I have a trip planned at the end of the month which pushes the BQ meetings to this schedule in September, but limits the meeting dates in October to only 1 open date, Oct 18.  Alli, can you add these dates to the shared calendar?

Keep updated on this site for the announcement of the discussion topic we will use for Sept 6, and beyond.  I felt that getting the calendar set was a good first step, with topics to follow.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 14: How does aging change us?

 I have been going through old files and came across papers I have saved since the late 90's of BQ topics and reference materials.  It is a trove of ideas and documents from 25+ years ago, and not the Socratic topics I generally favor today but many of practical and personal importance.  Here is a partial running list:  the challenges of being an adolescent in modern times, is there a culture of youth violence, the pressures of mid-life transitions and crises, marital satisfaction and aging, and family relationships and how they change as we age.  There seems to be a theme here, of dealing with the changes that occur as we move through the arc that is our life.  If the metaphor we use for life is an arc, it suggests that the high point is somewhere near the middle?  At the turn of the century I was in my mid-40s, presumably somewhere near that apex, so this may have been the motivation for dealing with these sorts of topics.

Now, on the doorstep of becoming 70, my priorities and perspectives have changed.  The topics listed above mostly look inwards towards the core of each of us as individuals, seeking to understand the changes that occur within us.  How do outside forces (society, culture, the internet, Amazon, just to name a few) affect how we feel about ourselves, and how do they change what we feel are the important things in life?  I have long advocated that each of us are on a journey to find ourselves, and to "become who we really are".  Are we all "older and wiser" than we were 25 years ago?  Are we more in tune to who we are?

No AI info this session.  Let's do it on our own.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May 24: In Memorial for Lives Well Lived

 Can we remember our loved ones on Memorial Day in a way that allows us to more fully understand ourselves and the lives we currently lead?  As I have been considering this idea, I recall a play I had a role in during High School in Durham, NH, and the powerful scene where some of the living characters visit the cemetery and cry for the deceased, missing them.  I asked Gemini, the AI, for their insight.

<Des>  In Thornton Wilder's play Our Town, characters that represent dead ancestors are seated in chairs arranged to represent a cemetery. The characters see the suffering of the living and comment that the living just "don't understand" how the overall system works. Can you provide some insight to this scene?

<Gemini>  In the final act of Our Town, the scene with the dead ancestors in the cemetery offers a powerful commentary on life and death. Here's some insight:

  • Limited Perspective of the Living: The living characters in Our Town are caught up in the daily grind – marriages, arguments, small joys, and heartbreaks. They experience life linearly, moment by moment. The dead, however, have a broader perspective. They can see the entire life cycle, the joys and sorrows in their entirety.

  • Acceptance vs. Regret: The dead characters seem to have reached a state of acceptance about life's limitations. They understand the inevitability of death and the cyclical nature of existence. This can be seen as a contrast to the living, who often grapple with regret, longing, and a fear of the unknown.

  • The Importance of the Ordinary: The play emphasizes the beauty and significance of seemingly ordinary moments. The dead characters seem to understand this more than the living. They might be commenting on how the living take these moments for granted, caught up in anxieties about the future or dwelling on the past.

  • Universality of Experience: By placing the dead characters together, Wilder removes social distinctions. A farmer, a doctor, a laborer – all share the same fate. This reinforces the play's theme of universality – that life and death are common experiences that connect us all.

"Don't understand" doesn't imply judgment. It's a recognition of the different vantage points of the living and the dead. The dead have transcended the limitations of human life and can see the bigger picture.

This scene is a core part of Our Town's message. It encourages us, the living, to appreciate the simple moments of life, to find meaning in the ordinary, and to accept the cycle of life and death. <End>

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

May 10: Global Radical Feminism

 After our last session someone suggested to me privately that BQ might want to consider talking about social movements in other countries, not unlike our topic of having a moral basis to judge other cultures.  The person suggested we talk about a movement that is getting a lot of press in Korea called the 4B movement.  I didn't know anything about it so I did a little research, which is offered below in my usual give and take with Gemini, the Google AI I prefer.

In the questions I posed to Gemini I attempted to draw out both the surface issues involved, and also some of the underlying social, economic and demographic issues that might be fueling the debate, if not forming the base of the movements themselves.  I recall my mother's involvement in feminism in the late 1960's and early 70's which had a much milder platform of ideas and topics than those attributed to the current 4B group, but with a similar underlying goal of raising the status of women.  I only mention this because this may be a case where very different cultures share a common set of underlying values even though it may not appear to be the case.  It is all about who is in charge.  Patriarchy, matriarchy, or egalitarianism.

Well, is there a Big Question we can address that covers this broad topic?  At the bottom of the blog today is a list of definitions of patriarchy, matriarchy, egalitarianism and feminism.  Is the point of the social movements listed here the establishment of a matriarchy, or to achieve some movement towards egalitarianism?  Is the 4B movement a version of radical feminism, or something more? 

<Des>  Give me some background on the Korean 4B movement. Is this a protest by women in Korea against the traditional male-dominated society? Is there more going on here than that?

<Gemini>  You're right, the 4B movement in South Korea is a reaction to a traditional, male-dominated society, but there's more to it. Here's a breakdown:

  • Core Beliefs: 4B stands for four Korean words, each starting with "bi":

    • Bihon (no marriage)
    • Bichulsan (no childbirth)
    • Biyeonae (no dating)
    • Bisekseu (no heterosexual sex)
  • Origins and Purpose: The movement emerged in the mid-2010s, initially against societal pressure to marry. It gained momentum around 2018 due to a rise in spycam incidents (secretly filming women) and frustration with a patriarchal culture. Proponents see 4B as a way to:

    • Resist societal expectations placed on women
    • Live life on their own terms, free from male dominance
    • Push for broader gender equality
  • Impact: It's difficult to gauge the movement's size, but it's likely in the low thousands. However, it's sparked discussions about feminism and societal pressures on women in Korea. Some argue it's also contributing to South Korea's very low birth rate.

  • Nuances: The movement is considered radical feminism. It doesn't represent all Korean feminists, and some criticize its potentially exclusionary nature towards women who want relationships with men.

In short, the 4B movement is a complex response to South Korea's social structure. It's a protest against traditional gender roles, but also a call for broader societal change.

<Gemini>  While there isn't a directly equivalent movement in Japan with the exact same goals and name as the 4B movement in South Korea, there are definitely movements in Japan that address similar issues of gender equality and societal pressures on women. Here's what you might find:
  • Historical Context: Japan has a long history of patriarchal structures, though feminist movements have emerged since the early 20th century. Unlike Korea, Japan might not have such a recent, concentrated movement focused on boycotting marriage and relationships.

  • Modern Movements: Japan does have feminist movements that address similar themes as 4B. Look into movements like:

    • Women's Liberation Movement (1960s-present)
    • Equal Employment Opportunity Movement (1980s-present)
    • #KuToo movement (2019): Opposed mandatory high heels in workplaces.
  • Focus Differences: While Korean 4B focuses on boycotting marriage and relationships, Japanese movements might target specific aspects of gender inequality, like workplace discrimination or societal expectations on appearance.

Resources: It might be helpful to search for these movements online, but be mindful of using reliable sources. You can try searching for terms like "Japanese feminist movements" or "women's rights movements in Japan.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

April 26: Cultural Relativism

Late Breaking News

In a move back towards the past, we are reinstating the practice of holding the Big Questions in our home, starting with a pot-luck dinner at 6:30, followed by discussion at 8:00.  If you need the address or directions please contact me directly.  There will be an attempt to have a computer in use for the usual Zoom Meeting Access starting around the 8:00 hour if that is your preference.  

The potluck dinner has been a key feature of in-person BQ meetings in the pass.  People are free to bring any dinner item they like, generally in the categories of main dishes or casseroles, salads, bread and/or cheese, and desserts.  All dinnerware is provided, as are serving spoons and other normal necessaries (salt and pepper, butter, etc.).  This is a BYOB event, so please bring something you like.  Water, iced tea, and coffee are provided by the hosts.

The potluck is optional.  If people want to attend only for the discussion, that is perfectly acceptable.  Look for the Big Question mark at the end of the driveway.

<Des>  Are we justified in judging activities and practices in other cultures and societies?  Do the social norms we accept for ourselves give us the moral authority to judge others against our standards?

<Gemini> This is a great question for your philosophy group! There are two main approaches to consider:

Cultural Relativism:

  • This perspective argues against judging other cultures based on your own standards.
  • Every culture has its own set of beliefs, values, and practices that make sense within its own context.
  • Judging another culture is like judging an apple for being a bad orange; they are different things with different purposes.

Challenges to Cultural Relativism:

  • Universal Values: Many argue there are basic human rights and values that transcend cultures, such as the right to life and freedom from torture.
  • Ignoring Harmful Practices: Cultural relativism could be used to justify practices like female genital mutilation or child marriage.

Finding Balance:

  • Understanding vs. Condone: We can strive to understand another culture's practices without condoning them.
  • Focus on Universal Values: Use internationally recognized human rights principles to identify practices that cause significant harm.
  • Dialogue and Openness: Encourage communication and exchange of ideas between cultures to find common ground.

Discussion Prompts:

  • Can a culture's practices be harmful without violating basic human rights?
  • Is there a way to critique harmful practices without imposing your own values?
  • How can we balance respect for cultural differences with the protection of human well-being?
  • What are the limits of cultural relativism?

By exploring both sides of the argument, your philosophy group can delve deeper into the complexities of cultural interaction and how to approach potentially conflicting practices.

April 12: The Pleasure Box

 <Des>  In the Pleasure Box example, participants are offered a chance to enter a sensory deprivation container with electrical leads connected to them that stimulate pleasure centers throughout the body. They can stay in the box as long as they like, and if necessary, they will be hooked into life supporting tubes so they never have to get out. The idea is that, if pleasure is a legitimate goal in life, this Pleasure Box offers a pure experience where all pain is avoided. Should a person get in the box? If they do enter, would they ever get out? What does someone give up when they enter and decide to stay?

<Gemini> This thought experiment about the Pleasure Box offers a fascinating exploration of the limitations of pure pleasure in defining a meaningful life. Here are some points to consider for your philosophy group discussion:

Arguments for Entering the Box:

  • Pure, Uninterrupted Pleasure: The box offers the ultimate escape from pain and constant, intense pleasure.
  • Elimination of Needs and Responsibilities: No need to worry about food, shelter, or social interactions.

Arguments Against Entering the Box:

  • Loss of Agency and Control: The person becomes reliant on the machine for survival and pleasure.
  • Sensory Deprivation and Stagnation: The lack of external stimuli could lead to mental deterioration and boredom.
  • Meaninglessness of Existence: A life devoid of challenges, relationships, and growth might be devoid of meaning.
  • Loss of Connection: Isolation from others can lead to loneliness and a sense of detachment from the world.

Would They Ever Get Out?

This depends on the individual. Some might find the initial pleasure overwhelming and addicting, making it difficult to leave. However, the potential for stagnation and loss of self could eventually motivate some to seek escape, even if it means encountering pain again.

What is Given Up?

  • Relationships and Love: Connection with others is a fundamental human need.
  • Growth and Learning: Challenges and experiences shape who we are.
  • Contribution and Purpose: The ability to interact with the world and make a difference.
  • Free Will and Autonomy: The person surrenders control over their own life.

Discussion Prompts:

  • Is a life without pain truly desirable?
  • What constitutes a meaningful life if not pure pleasure?
  • Would the experience ever become monotonous or meaningless?
  • Is there a balance to be struck between pleasure and other aspects of life?

By exploring these questions, your philosophy group can delve deeper into the complexities of human experience and whether pleasure alone can be the ultimate goal.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

March 22: Homelessness

 The Fellowship recently circulated a survey in an attempt to identify the key social justice issues members of the congregation felt were the most important to work on.  People living on the street without housing or visible means of support were highly rated in the responses received.   The factors that lead to Homelessness are complex and individualistic, but deserve some consideration on our part as we prepare to address this important issue.  I thought BQ might be a good place to start, to open a discussion on the many avenues that lead to this societal problem.

<Des> Homelessness is a national epidemic issue. In my part of the world people live on the streets, rummage through trash cans, openly use drugs, and live what seems to be a miserable life. What is the underlying issue here? Prepare an outline for my discussion group that hits on the key issues that lead to people living on the street.

🚀Discussion Outline: Why People Experience Homelessness

<Gemini> Homelessness is a complex issue with many contributing factors. This discussion will explore some of the key reasons people end up living on the streets.

I. Opening (5 minutes)

  • Briefly introduce homelessness as a national issue and its visibility in your community.
  • Acknowledge the challenges and complexities of the issue.

II. Underlying Causes of Homelessness (20 minutes)

Economic factors:
  • Rising housing costs and stagnant wages
  • Job loss or underemployment
  • Lack of affordable housing options
Social factors:
  • Mental health issues and lack of access to treatment
  • Domestic violence and abuse
  • Lack of social support networks (family, friends)
Individual factors:
  • Addictions and substance abuse
  • Chronic health conditions
  • Difficulty finding employment due to criminal record

III. Specific Examples and Group Discussion (20 minutes)

  • Briefly present a few real-life scenarios (anonymized) that illustrate the different pathways to homelessness.
  • Encourage group discussion:What are some additional factors specific to our community?
  • Are there any surprises in the different reasons for homelessness?
  • Scenario 1: Economic hardship

    • Sarah, a single mother of two, lost her job due to a company downsizing. Struggling to find new employment that pays enough, she falls behind on rent and is eventually evicted. Shelters are full, and Sarah ends up couchsurfing with friends and family, but the strain is high.

    Scenario 2: Mental health challenges

    • David, a military veteran, suffers from PTSD. Nightmares and anxiety make it difficult to hold a job or maintain relationships. Without access to affordable mental health care, David withdraws from society and eventually ends up living on the streets.

    Scenario 3: Domestic violence

    • Maria escapes an abusive relationship, but with no financial resources and fearing for her safety, she can't return to her previous home. Maria lacks a support system and ends up in a homeless shelter, struggling to rebuild her life.

    Scenario 4: Medical issues

    • John, a construction worker, is injured on the job and loses his ability to work. Medical bills mount, and John loses his apartment. Struggling with chronic pain and limited mobility, John finds it difficult to secure housing or employment.
    IV. Solutions and Next Steps (15 minutes)
  • Briefly introduce different approaches to addressing homelessness (e.g., affordable housing initiatives, mental health support programs).
  • Encourage group brainstorming:What resources are available in our community to help people experiencing homelessness?
  • Are there policies we could advocate for?
  • How can we raise awareness and understanding?

V. Closing (5 minutes)

  • Briefly summarize the key points of the discussion.
  • Encourage participants to stay informed and involved in solutions.
  • Share resources for further exploration (local shelters, advocacy groups, websites).

Additional Notes:

  • It's important to be respectful and avoid stereotypes when discussing homelessness.
  • Encourage open and honest discussion while maintaining a safe and inclusive environment.

This is a starting point, feel free to adapt it to your group's size and interests. <End>