Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 14: How does aging change us?

 I have been going through old files and came across papers I have saved since the late 90's of BQ topics and reference materials.  It is a trove of ideas and documents from 25+ years ago, and not the Socratic topics I generally favor today but many of practical and personal importance.  Here is a partial running list:  the challenges of being an adolescent in modern times, is there a culture of youth violence, the pressures of mid-life transitions and crises, marital satisfaction and aging, and family relationships and how they change as we age.  There seems to be a theme here, of dealing with the changes that occur as we move through the arc that is our life.  If the metaphor we use for life is an arc, it suggests that the high point is somewhere near the middle?  At the turn of the century I was in my mid-40s, presumably somewhere near that apex, so this may have been the motivation for dealing with these sorts of topics.

Now, on the doorstep of becoming 70, my priorities and perspectives have changed.  The topics listed above mostly look inwards towards the core of each of us as individuals, seeking to understand the changes that occur within us.  How do outside forces (society, culture, the internet, Amazon, just to name a few) affect how we feel about ourselves, and how do they change what we feel are the important things in life?  I have long advocated that each of us are on a journey to find ourselves, and to "become who we really are".  Are we all "older and wiser" than we were 25 years ago?  Are we more in tune to who we are?

No AI info this session.  Let's do it on our own.

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