Meeting on Friday, Jan 6, at 7:00 pm. Check the newsletter or the weekly update for a sign-in link.
For this week's topic I turn to something I have not done before. If you search for "questions for adults" you can find extensive lists of ice-breaker sorts of questions meant to get people talking. The subject can be almost anything, but questions that make people reflect on themselves in some way seem to be the most interesting. I find that people who attend my Big Questions forum LOVE to tell stories of their lives, and sometimes the stories actually relate to the topic I intended. This week I won't have a specific topic, so there is no pressure to stay on track!
Here is a site with hundreds of questions. I like 81 as a starting point: If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or into the future? Sounds like an easy question, maybe, but I bet there will be a wide variety of perspectives on it. Scan the list and bring your favorite question, and make it Big!
I think our meeting went very well. The Adult Questions were a good point of starting a conversation. And there still lots of them to consider. Please keep the list handy as we go forward!