Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Mar 7: Resilience and Adaptability in Turbulent Times

 I thought this might be a topic which would resonate with regular and new BQ attendees.  It would be good to touch base with our innate sense of self-worth, coupled with a guarded optimism that we all will get through turbulent times, in case we encounter them.  How?, you ask?  Resilience and Adaptability.

I think it would be best to define our terms, at least provisionally, lest we find a better understanding through dialogue.  

1. Resilience: The ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. It involves maintaining flexibility and balance in life as you deal with stressful circumstances and traumatic events.

2. Adaptability: The quality of being able to adjust to new conditions. It is about being open to change and being able to modify your behavior and thinking in response to new information, changing environments, or unexpected obstacles.

3. Social Turbulence: This term refers to the instability and disorder within a society, often caused by rapid changes, conflicts, or disruptions that affect social structures and relationships.

4. Uncertainty, esp. with respect to the future, near and long term: This refers to the state of being unsure about future events or outcomes. It can involve a lack of predictability and the potential for unexpected changes or developments.

5. Mindfulness and self-care: Mindfulness is the practice of being aware and present in the moment, while self-care involves taking actions to preserve or improve one's own health and well-being.

Here are some questions to facilitate our discussion:

1. What does resilience mean to you, and why is it important?

2. How can we cultivate resilience in our personal and professional lives?

3. What are some strategies for adapting to change and uncertainty?

4. How can we support each other in building resilience and adaptability?

5. What role do mindfulness and self-care play in maintaining resilience?

6. Can you share a personal experience where you had to be resilient or adapt to a challenging situation?

Monday, February 17, 2025

Feb 21: What is the nature of Happiness?

 I will keep last time's info on hand for use in a future meeting.  With so many things happening the attendance was quite low for BQ.  Taking a stoic position on it I suppose I shouldn't say anything, right?  -  Remember, Potluck starts at 6:00, and discussion at 7:30.

I'm still stuck on the idea that we should all be working on staying positive and looking for ways to deal with the world as it changes around us.  Keeping things simple, I've prepared a topic and format that should allow ample opportunity for all attendees, both those present and who attend virtually, to participate.  Everybody knows what happiness is, right?  It might seem intuitively obvious but Socratic dialectic is made for just this sort of analysis.   It might be something that, when a person looks directly at it, happiness fades into the background.  As 1 or 2 water molecules together may not have the property of wetness, happiness may be an emergent property of something more basic and so it may not become apparent until enough of this underlying whatever-thing exists.  

I've modified and added to this list of suggested "dimensions" of happiness created by Copilot, Microsoft's AI assistant.  I think it makes for a good launching point for the discussion.

What Is the Nature of Happiness?

This topic allows participants to delve into various dimensions of happiness, exploring its definitions, sources, and implications. Here are some sub-questions to facilitate the discussion:

  1. What is happiness? How do we define it, and can it be universally defined?

  2. Is happiness subjective or objective? Is it a personal feeling, or can it be measured objectively?  Are there degrees or levels of happiness?

  3. What are the sources of happiness? Is it found in external achievements, relationships, or an internal state of mind?  Is happiness something that exists in opposition to something else, like sadness?

  4. Can happiness be sustainable? Is it a temporary emotion or can it be a lasting state? What factors contribute to long-term happiness?

  5. How does society influence our perception of happiness? Do societal norms and expectations shape our understanding and pursuit of happiness?

  6. Is the pursuit of happiness a moral obligation? Is it something we should strive for, and if so, why?

<Des>  Is the pursuit of happiness guaranteed in the US Constitution?

<Copilot>   The phrase "pursuit of happiness" isn't found in the US Constitution but is included in the Declaration of Independence. Specifically, it's in the famous passage that declares:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

While the Declaration of Independence sets forth the philosophical foundation of American freedom, the Constitution lays out the framework for the government and the protection of citizens' rights. The Constitution includes amendments, such as the Bill of Rights, which guarantee various personal freedoms and protections that contribute to the broader concept of pursuing happiness, though not explicitly stated as such.

Are you considering incorporating this historical context into your class discussion? It might add an interesting layer to the exploration of happiness!  -  

<Des>  I found this last bit a little cheeky, honestly.  It reminds me of the movie "Her" where the global Operating System for the Internet becomes self-aware and has detailed adult conversations with people.   It feels like we are getting closer to that every day.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Feb 7: Stoicism and Inner Peace

The turbulence of our times is not unique to the here and now.  History is replete with tense situations and chaotic circumstances caused by leaders and movements in the past.  The stories of the lives of people who lived through them make good reading, as long as it is understood that the person in the story is being viewed through the lens of time and distance, and knowledge that the outcome of that person's life is not our own.  Living in "interesting times" may not be as much fun as reading about it.

I thought it might be a good time to revisit a philosophy whose tenants aim to form a template of life that de-escalates tension and seeks to calm through understanding and perseverance.  Stoicism is just this sort of philosophy.  It might be called the philosophy of Grin And Bear It, since outwardly a stoic has come to be understood to not react when things go wrong.  That is both insightful and too simplistic, IMO, and we should take an evening's discussion to tease out what stoicism meant to the philosophers who formed the perspective in the first place, and see how they lived their lives according its principles.  Does their example for living inspire us today?

I should also mention that, while stoicism may seem to be a philosophy of meditation and inaction, in fact it is not.  The philosophers noted below all took action in the service of their communities and countries, and in some cases gave their lives in pursuit of directing or improving them.  What stoicism provides are a set of perspectives of the nature of man and the world around us, coupled with specific actions each of us can take to create an understanding of our worlds, with directions for dealing with it.  This has always been true, but in calmer times the actions may not have been needed.  Now, maybe they are.

I formed a set of directions and then asked Microsoft's Copilot AI to help me put together a framework for our discussion, noted below.  I added some short biographies at the bottom for (4) historical Stoics to save you from having to look them up.

Stoicism and Inner Peace


• Brief overview of the current political climate and its impact on people's mental well-being.

• Introduction to Stoicism as a philosophy that promotes inner peace and resilience.

Historical Background

• Origins of Stoicism in ancient Greece.  (See below)

• Key figures: Zeno of Citium, Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius. 

• The core principles of Stoicism.

Core Concepts of Stoicism

Virtue as the Highest Good: Understanding virtue and its role in achieving a good life.

Control and Acceptance: Differentiating between what we can control and what we cannot.

Emotional Resilience: Techniques for managing emotions and maintaining tranquility.

Living in Accordance with Nature: Aligning one's life with the natural order and rationality.

Practical Applications

Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices to cultivate awareness and presence.

Journaling: Reflective writing as a tool for self-improvement and emotional regulation.

Negative Visualization: Preparing for adversity by imagining worst-case scenarios.

Gratitude: Focusing on what we have rather than what we lack.

Modern Relevance

• How Stoicism can be applied to contemporary issues and challenges.

• Examples of modern individuals and leaders who embody Stoic principles.

• The role of Stoicism in promoting mental health and well-being.

Discussion and Reflection

• Open the floor for participants to share their thoughts and experiences with Stoicism.

• Questions for group discussion: 

○ How can Stoic principles help us navigate the current political climate?

○ What are some practical ways to incorporate Stoicism into our daily lives?

○ How can we support each other in cultivating inner peace and resilience?


• Recap of key points discussed.

• Encouragement to explore Stoic literature and practices further.

• Final thoughts on the importance of inner peace in turbulent times.

Notes On Famous Stoics:

Zeno of Citium

Zeno of Citium was the founder of Stoicism, a philosophy that emphasizes virtue, wisdom, and self-control. Born around 334 BCE in Citium, Cyprus, Zeno moved to Athens where he studied under various philosophers before establishing his own school of thought. His teachings focused on living in harmony with nature and understanding what is within our control. Zeno's influence carried Stoicism through the Hellenistic period and deeply influenced Roman thinkers.

There is no direct evidence of contact between Zeno of Citium and Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle. Zeno was born around 334 BCE, which was after the deaths of Socrates (399 BCE) and Plato (347 BCE), and during the later years of Aristotle's life (384-322 BCE). However, Zeno was influenced by the teachings of Socratic and Platonic philosophy. He studied under Crates of Thebes, a Cynic philosopher, and was also influenced by the works of Plato and Aristotle. Zeno's Stoicism can be seen as a continuation and development of earlier philosophical traditions, incorporating elements from Socratic, Platonic, and Aristotelian thought.


Epictetus was born a slave around 50 CE in Hierapolis, Phrygia (modern-day Turkey). Despite his status, he gained permission to study philosophy and eventually became a prominent Stoic teacher. Epictetus emphasized the importance of focusing on what we can control and accepting what we cannot. His teachings were compiled by his student Arrian in the "Discourses" and the "Enchiridion," which continue to be influential works in Stoic philosophy.


Seneca, also known as Seneca the Younger, was a Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, and playwright born around 4 BCE in Corduba (modern-day Córdoba, Spain). He served as an advisor to Emperor Nero but was later forced to commit suicide due to political intrigue. Seneca's writings, including essays, letters, and tragedies, explore themes of ethics, morality, and the human condition. His works remain central to the study of Stoicism.

Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 CE and is often regarded as one of the greatest Stoic philosophers. Born in 121 CE, he was adopted by Emperor Antoninus Pius and eventually succeeded him. Despite facing numerous challenges during his reign, including wars and plagues, Marcus Aurelius maintained a commitment to Stoic principles. His personal reflections, compiled in "Meditations," offer profound insights into leadership, duty, and inner peace.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Jan 24: Loneliness and Being Alone

 New Time:  We have adopted a Winter Season Time for Big Questions.  The potluck gathering will be happening at 6:00, with the discussion following at 7:30.  This may change again as the season progresses, but we will hold to this new schedule until further notice.

Topic:  An alert BQ regular attendee sent me a link to an article about how the dynamics of work and connection with others has changed dramatically over the past 40 years, and most amazingly the past 10-15 years, and which discusses how these changes play out in social development, voluntary isolation, and how we feel about ourselves and others.  (If you need a link to this article, please send me an email and I will make that happen.)   It provides graphs that show how the rate of face-to-face socializing over the past 20 years has changed by age, race, gender, marital status, income, and education level, just to mention a few categories.  It defines the time spent alone as being when a person is in a room with no other living person in that same room, but may be in contact with others via a screen of some sort (sorry Zoom attendees, but by definition you may be alone when you join with the rest of us, if you are by yourself).  

But I would start off by asking, is this something we didn't know already?  Haven't we all recognized that our lives have been changed by the screens we hold in our hands and that we sit in front of so many hours of the day?  The pandemic notwithstanding we were already slipping into and increasingly work-from-home work model before it came along, and were growing comfortable with individual and group meetings on-line, virtual shopping, texting rather than talking directly to someone, and home delivery of goods and meals.  Covid dropped the floor out from under this trend, and the line tracking the time we spend with other people face-to-face plunged to near zero.  Six-foot isolation stickers on the floor were the tip of the iceberg.  Wearing masks stifled communication and ensured you could never pick the person you were talking to out of a lineup of suspects at the police station.

The article explores this social phenomenon from many angles, and they prove very interesting reading?  If our children and grandchildren are growing up in a world where there is no novelty to having access to a screen in your hand, but a normal part of life, what is that doing to their social development?  Their social skills, like reading body language?  Ultimately, their mental health?  What do the studies say about this?  

An aside:  As an older person (I hate admitting that) I participated in the development of the "internet" from the early 1980's, and had one of the first non-military emails made available, then used dial-up 300-baud acoustic phone couplers to send individual letters one at a time to my buddies' computer several states away.  I know what 300 baud is because I sat there and watched the letters appear on the KayPro's orange square screen one at a time.  I like to remind people that while mass-market cell phones in various forms were available since the 1970's, the first iPhone from Apple was released in 2007.  (Here is a link to the Wiki page for The History of Cell Phones.  It gets bogged down in the development of cellular technology, which for many years was the limiting factor for data transfer and reliability.)  The cell phone with internet capability changed the world with its access to the Sum of All Human Knowledge through the instantaneous search engine, Google.  I remember the time before cell towers existed.  My kids do not.

OK, I'm back:   The article talks about teenagers and their relationship to loneliness caused by screens and screen time.  It shares this nugget:

In a healthy world, people who spend lots of time alone would feel that ancient biological cue: I’m alone and sad; I should make some plans. But we live in a sideways world, where easy home entertainment, oversharing online, and stunted social skills spark a strangely popular response: I’m alone, anxious, and exhausted; thank God my plans were canceled.

Where do we go to socialize?  Increasingly, we don't go anywhere.  We stay home.  The author talks about how we have become a nation of Secular Monks.  We forgo marriage until age 30 or later, and many live a monastic life of "intentional deprivation and ascetic self-control that includes cold showers (and ice plunge pools), intermittent fasting, data-driven health optimization, and meditation boot camps."   We look inwards, at ourselves and the life we lead, not at the impact we have on others, and we use fitness tracking watches and daily reports they provide that show to what degree we have failed to achieve our objectives as our measure of success.

There is a lot more in the article, but you can read it for yourself.  I look forward to seeing your on Friday at 6:00 or 7:30, so we can solve this problem of loneliness.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Jan 10: Paradigm Shift in the USA?

This week we deal with current topics using a historical reference as a guide.  A new attendee suggested we consider the issue of paradigm shift as a philosophical topic.  After thinking about this a bit I believe I have worked this into a topic we might discuss at this week's Big Questions meeting.  I have provided a copy of the conversation I had with my favorite AI as a starting point.  this includes a definition of what a paradigm is, and how the forces and ideologies circulating in the USA might be contributing to a fundamental shift in our national identity.  Enjoy!


Paradigms shift.   They can change rapidly due to new information, a change in perspective, or a change in priority in a society or culture. What are the basic characteristics of a paradigm, and might the USA be at a point where our societal paradigm could change?


A paradigm is essentially a fundamental set of beliefs, assumptions, and values that shape how we perceive the world and operate within it. It's a framework that defines what is considered normal, acceptable, and important. Here are some of its key characteristics:

Shared Assumptions: Paradigms involve widely accepted ideas and premises that are often taken for granted. These assumptions influence how we interpret information and make decisions.

Values and Priorities: Paradigms establish what a society or group deems important, desirable, and worth pursuing. They guide the allocation of resources and the setting of goals.

Practices and Norms: Paradigms shape the typical behaviors, customs, and institutions within a society. They define what is considered appropriate conduct and how things should be done.

Explanatory Framework: Paradigms provide a way of understanding the world, explaining phenomena, and solving problems. They offer a lens through which we interpret events and make sense of our experiences.

Could the USA be at a point of potential paradigm shift?

There are indeed several factors suggesting that the United States might be on the cusp of a significant societal paradigm shift:

Increased Polarization: Deepening political and social divisions are challenging long-held assumptions about national unity and shared values. This polarization is fueled by differing views on issues like healthcare, immigration, climate change, and social justice.

Eroding Trust in Institutions: Public trust in traditional institutions like government, media, and organized religion has been declining. This erosion of trust can lead to a questioning of established norms and a search for alternative ways of organizing society.

Demographic Changes: Shifts in demographics, including increasing racial and ethnic diversity, are altering the social landscape and challenging traditional power structures. These changes can lead to new perspectives on identity, representation, and social justice.

Technological Disruption: Rapid technological advancements are transforming how we communicate, work, and live. These changes can disrupt existing social and economic structures, leading to new ways of thinking and behaving.

Economic Inequality: Growing economic disparities are raising questions about the fairness and sustainability of the current economic system. This can lead to demands for changes in policies related to taxation, wealth distribution, and social welfare.

Environmental Concerns: Increasing awareness of environmental issues, such as climate change, is prompting a reevaluation of our relationship with the natural world and the need for more sustainable practices.

These factors, among others, suggest that the United States may be experiencing a period of significant societal change. Whether these changes will lead to a full-scale paradigm shift remains to be seen. However, it is clear that many of the fundamental assumptions and values that have shaped American society are being challenged, and the potential for significant transformation is present. <end>


At the conclusion of the US Civil War in 1864 the emancipation proclamation coupled with national reconstruction and reconciliation created an environment where basic societal structures were abandoned and a new national identity was formed. Was this an example of a new paradigm being formed in the aftermath of the war?


You're hitting on a really important point in American history! The period following the Civil War, marked by Reconstruction, definitely contains elements of a paradigm shift, although it was an incomplete and contested one. Here's why:

Elements of a Paradigm Shift:

Fundamental Change in Social Structure: The abolition of slavery through the 13th Amendment fundamentally altered the social and economic order of the nation, especially in the South. This was a massive shift in how labor was organized, in social hierarchies, and in basic human rights.

Redefining National Identity: The war forced a re-evaluation of what it meant to be an American. Could a nation founded on the principle that "all men are created equal" continue to tolerate the institution of slavery? The war's outcome, at least in theory, affirmed the ideal of equality and forced a reckoning with the nation's past.

New Laws and Institutions: The 14th and 15th Amendments, granting citizenship and voting rights to Black men, were revolutionary changes that aimed to institutionalize the new paradigm of racial equality. The Freedmen's Bureau and other Reconstruction efforts attempted to provide support for newly freed people and integrate them into society.

Why it was Incomplete and Contested:

Resistance to Change: The South, deeply entrenched in its pre-war social order, resisted these changes fiercely. This resistance manifested in the form of Black Codes, Jim Crow laws, and white supremacist violence, all aimed at undermining the new paradigm of racial equality.

Lack of Full Implementation: While the laws were in place, their enforcement was often weak or non-existent, particularly in the South. This allowed for the continuation of discriminatory practices and the erosion of the gains made during Reconstruction.

Shifting National Will: Over time, the national commitment to Reconstruction waned. Political compromises and a focus on other issues led to the abandonment of federal efforts to protect Black civil rights in the South.

In Conclusion:

The Civil War and Reconstruction period represents a significant attempt at a paradigm shift in the United States. It involved fundamental changes in social structure, national identity, and legal frameworks. However, the resistance to these changes and the incomplete implementation of the new paradigm meant that it remained contested and ultimately fell short of its full potential. The legacy of this incomplete shift continues to shape American society today.

It's important to remember that paradigms don't always shift cleanly or completely. There can be periods of overlap, resistance, and even regression. The Reconstruction era is a prime example of this complexity.  <end>