In the spirit of tapping the ultimate knowledge of Bard, the Google AI, I asked Bard the following question:
I run a philosophical discussion group. I need a good topic for this week's meeting. What do you suggest?

Here are some good topics for your philosophical discussion group:
- The nature of reality: What is reality? Is it objective or subjective? Is it material or spiritual?
- The existence of God: Does God exist? If so, what is God like?
- The nature of consciousness: What is consciousness? Where does it come from? What is its purpose?
- The meaning of life: What is the meaning of life? What is our purpose in the universe?
- The nature of good and evil: What is good? What is evil? What is the relationship between good and evil?
- The nature of free will: Do we have free will? If so, how much free will do we have?
- The nature of morality: What is morality? What are the foundations of morality?
- The nature of justice: What is justice? What are the foundations of justice?
- The nature of beauty: What is beauty? What are the foundations of beauty?
- The nature of love: What is love? What are the foundations of love?
These are just a few suggestions, and there are many other great topics that you could discuss. The most important thing is to choose a topic that is interesting to you and your group members.
<Des> Well, I recognize all of these questions as past topics, but some have not been discussed for a while. Perhaps Bard used this blog as a source of some of their answers? I'd like to think so.
Perhaps we can pick from this list at meeting time.