Hello Fellow Thinkers! Welcome back to Big Questions.
After a hiatus of several months, in which time absolutely nothing happened to me or to the world, it is time to get back into the saddle and restart our favorite philosophical discussion group (virtual version). In all these intervening days I'm sure a great topic has occurred to you from time to time, and I am very disappointed at how few of you have bothered to send me a notice as to what those topics were. Shame on you. Some did send in their thoughts, and for these I am very grateful.
As for myself I've been considering the nuances of my golf swing and my ability to find golf balls in the tall grass (which I need to do far too often), which I do not consider to be questions that are all that big. I know your lives are more philosophical than mine has become, so I count on you to bubble up with interesting topics.
I have books, of course, that I can plumb for insight and inspiration. The Philosopher's Gym comes to mind. Work out your intellect by chewing on the great questions of philosophy. Or maybe your jaw. Why is there something, and not nothing? Always a conversation stopper. What is the difference between Becoming and Being? And what do the existentialists mean when they say, become who you are? That is one of my favorites. These are Big Questions. Maybe BIG Questions.
A recent entry has to do with the deceptive allure of eternal happiness as a path to life's fulfillment, or would a person prefer to have absolute knowledge of all things? If you had to choose, which appeals more? Omnipotent knowledge, or eternal happiness? Flip a coin? Or is one included in the other? Think about it...
I propose we restart BQ on Nov. 11, at 7:00. See you then! And send me questions....