After a stumbling attempt to create a new website, I am hopeful that this will prove to actually work, and deliver the content I intend. So far my desires to create something useful and wonderful, and the reality of the complexity of the internet have been working in opposite directions!
I have been missing the opportunity to get together with my philosophically-oriented friends and discuss the actual content of the compelling BIG Questions I love so mu
ch. I continue to read the sorts of texts that result in lots of questions, and I have been keeping a mental list. People love to ask about the sorts of questions I ask, and I have a ready supply to answer. However, after 10 years of more-or-less continuous monthly meetings, and now a half year's hiatus, I am ready to start in some new directions, with a smaller group, and hopefully more directed and focused discussions.
If you know of any way to help me create a list in this crazy new information medium, please leave me a note and let me know. I would ask that if you are interested in being invited to a BQ session, leave your name on this list thing we will create. I expect the format to be mostly like before, but with smaller groups (8 people max, plus Juruf and me) Judy and I will step forward and offer to prepare the main course dish for the pot luck part of the dinner, and guests can bring salads, desserts, condiments, and of course, wine.
I have been recently studying the Ethics of Aristotle, as an example. His Ethics is quite interesting, and full of ideas we might explore. I am currently studying the role of the Vikings in forming the political and social structure of Europe in the 7th - 11th centuries, and that is very interesting (more so than I had expected!). Having joined a Swedish company, it helps me understand a lot about the mindset behind what I experience from my co-workers. That, and learning that the Normans of western France were actually Vikings that decided to settle there, and also true for many parts of England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, and so forth, makes for a different view of the surviving states of Europe. There is somewhat of a melting pot there, stretching back much further than you might expect, and involving Danes, Norwegians, and Swedes from 1,200 years ago!
Anyway, I have a lot on my mind that we might find a way to work into an interesting discussion, and I hope to find a way to make this happen.
I have been missing the opportunity to get together with my philosophically-oriented friends and discuss the actual content of the compelling BIG Questions I love so mu
If you know of any way to help me create a list in this crazy new information medium, please leave me a note and let me know. I would ask that if you are interested in being invited to a BQ session, leave your name on this list thing we will create. I expect the format to be mostly like before, but with smaller groups (8 people max, plus Juruf and me) Judy and I will step forward and offer to prepare the main course dish for the pot luck part of the dinner, and guests can bring salads, desserts, condiments, and of course, wine.
I have been recently studying the Ethics of Aristotle, as an example. His Ethics is quite interesting, and full of ideas we might explore. I am currently studying the role of the Vikings in forming the political and social structure of Europe in the 7th - 11th centuries, and that is very interesting (more so than I had expected!). Having joined a Swedish company, it helps me understand a lot about the mindset behind what I experience from my co-workers. That, and learning that the Normans of western France were actually Vikings that decided to settle there, and also true for many parts of England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, and so forth, makes for a different view of the surviving states of Europe. There is somewhat of a melting pot there, stretching back much further than you might expect, and involving Danes, Norwegians, and Swedes from 1,200 years ago!
Anyway, I have a lot on my mind that we might find a way to work into an interesting discussion, and I hope to find a way to make this happen.